Sadly, every time Wingard and Barrett come close to revealing information, they pull away. The creature we see in this movie is not necessarily what everyone calls "The Blair Witch."

If this sounds familiar, it may be because I pinpointed this as the central idea of the movie months ago. The idea was that, like any other urban legend, there are multiple interpretations of the Witch's story, and as a result, no one truly knows which tale is correct, if any. Lead character James and conspiracy-theorist Lane were originally scripted to debate the origins of the Blair Witch legend. When the characters first enter the woods, there was an element cut that Adam Wingard believes would have given context to what we're seeing. Though a substantial amount of the commentary is filled with references to how much people hated the film (read my glowing review HERE), there are some real conversations about the way they approached crafting the story and world. That's not to say that they don't offer any intriguing information. Unfortunately, having just experienced what must have felt like the death of an exciting project, Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett are not just tired and subdued, they're kind of angry. If they recorded the commentary a month or two after the disappointing reception, maybe we'd have a subdued, measured talk about what their intentions were. Had they sat down and discussed the movie prior to the opening, perhaps we would have heard a tired, but excited conversation packed with cryptic hints about what's really happening in the woods. Sadly, it seems that the commentary was recorded shortly after the film flopped, which not surprisingly, isn't the best timing. The Blair Witch blu-ray comes with a commentary track featuring director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barret, so naturally I listened to it expecting insights into the film akin to the above quote. But of course, um, what we actually discovered is that if you call your movie 'Blair Witch,' anything you show, everyone is just going to assume you're actually showing the Blair Witch, and uh, and then they're going to be annoyed about that." You know, it's something much older.We kind of thought that people were going to interpret this film a lot of different ways, and we were trying to leave a lot of mystery to it.

SPOILERS for Blair Witch and it's commentary track! "To us, the Blair Witch isn't necessarily something that you ever really could show. After months of waiting, Blair Witch is finally out on blu-ray, so it's time to restart the hunt for secrets! Sadly, it looks like the mystery dies along with the franchise.